Static Mohr-Coulomb

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion with static (constant) friction angle [Franceschini et al.,2016].


At the Interface Elmenet (IE), the acting strength can be decomposed into two components, \(\sigma_N\) and \(\tau_S\), orineted normally and tangetially to the contact surface, respectively. the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion prescribes that the continuity of the displacements across the IE is preserved if:

\(\tau_S <= \tau_L = c - \sigma_N tan(\phi)\)

where \(\phi\) and \(c\) are the fault friction angle and cohesion, respectively, and \(\tau_L\) is the limit shear strength. A \(\sigma_N < 0\) means compression and \(\sigma_N\) cannot be positive. When \(\tau_S = \tau_L\) the shear stress can no longer increase and a relative surface displacement along the IE plane,\(\boldsymbol{u}_r\), can occur. An opening, i.e. a relative displacement in the direction normal to the IE plane can occur if \(\sigma_N = 0\) (in this case also \(\tau_S = \tau_L = 0\)).

The Mohr-Coulmob criterion gives no information about the direction of the shear vector \(\boldsymbol{\tau}_L\). To this aim, is used the “Principle of Maximum Plastic Dissipation” [Simo and Hughes, 2000] (MPD):

\(\boldsymbol{\tau}_L = \tau_L \frac{\boldsymbol{u}_r}{||\boldsymbol{u}_r||_2}\)

When the relative displacement is smaller then a given tolerance \(||\boldsymbol{u}_r||_2 < tol_{MPD}\), the direction are computed according to the elastic tangential stress \(\boldsymbol{\tau}_e\) at the failure (\(||\boldsymbol{\tau}_e||_2 >= \tau_L\)):

\(\boldsymbol{\tau}_L = \tau_L \frac{\boldsymbol{\tau}_e}{||\boldsymbol{\tau}_e||_2}\)


The initialization can be done using the tab_file or the restart file.

Input Notes

In the input file interf_materials must be set:

  • The material type IEMAT_TYPE = 1.

  • The integer parameters IEMAT_IPAR[NI_IEMAT_TYPE] with NI_IEMAT_TYPE = 3:

IEMAT_IPAR[1] index of the table_file in tab_list input file >= 1 and < N_TAB -
IEMAT_IPAR[2] - 0 -
IEMAT_IPAR[3] number of status changes (open/close) in a Newton step >= 15 -
  • The real parameters IEMAT_RPAR[NR_IEMAT_TYPE] with NR_IEMAT_TYPE = 6:
IEMAT_RPAR[1] \(c\) : cohesion >= 0.0 \(stress\)
IEMAT_RPAR[2] \(\phi\) : friction angle >= 0.0 \(degree\)
IEMAT_RPAR[3] \(tol_{u_N}\) : tolerance on normal displacement for reclosure >= 0.0 \(length\)
IEMAT_RPAR[4] \(af_{\tau_L}\) : aplification factor \(\tau_L = (1+af_{\tau_L})(c - \sigma_N tan(\phi))\) >= 0.0 -
IEMAT_RPAR[5] \(tol_{MPD}\) : tolerance on tangetial displacement for MPD computation >= 0.0 \(length\)
IEMAT_RPAR[6] \(tol_{\tau_0}\) : min. tangetial stress below which is taken \(\tau = 0\) >= 0.0 \(stress\)