
The hypo-plastic (also referred to hypo-elastic) model is a constitutive law characterized by a stress dependent vertical compressibility \(C_M(\sigma_z)\), in order to take into account the increase of stiffness of the material due to the increase of vertical stress. Furthermore the model can describe - in a simple but efficient fashion - the variation of stiffness due to loading-unloading cycles, experimented for example during reservoir exploitation.


The hypo constitutive model can be considered as an enhancement of the elastic model with the vertical compressibility \(C_M\) depending on the vertical stress \(\sigma_z\), hence

\(d\boldsymbol{\sigma} = C^{-1}_M(\sigma_z) \mathbf{D} d\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\)

Therefore, the model is fully defined once the relation \(C^{-1}_M = C^{-1}_M(\sigma_z)\) is provided. Depending on the maximum experienced vertical stress \(\sigma_{z,max}\), two different conditions are assumed:

  • Loading condition (I cycle): \(\sigma_z > \sigma_{z,max}\)

\(C^{I}_M = a \sigma_z^b\)

where \(a\) and \(b\) are constant parameters that can be either assigned or obtained by interpolation.

  • Unloading-reloading condition (II cycle): \(\sigma_z < \sigma_{z,max}\)

\(C^{II}_M = \frac{M}{\left[(1+e_f)-M\log_{10}\left(\frac{\sigma_z}{\sigma_{z,max}}\right)\right] \ln(10)\sigma_z}\)

where \(M = \frac{C^I_{M,f} (1+e_f)\sigma_{z,max}\ln(10)}{C_r}\) with \(C^I_{M,f}\) and \(e_f\) respectively the value of \(C_{M}\) and void ratio at \(\sigma_{z,max}\), and \(C_r = C^{I}_{M,f} /C^{II}_{M,f}\).


The initialization can be done using the tab_file or the restart file.

Input Notes

In the input file materials must be set:

  • The material type MAT_TYPE = 2.

  • The integer parameters MAT_IPAR[NI_MAT_TYPE] with NI_MAT_TYPE = 1:

MAT_IPAR[1] index of the table_file in tab_list input file >= 1 and < N_TAB -
  • The real parameters MAT_RPAR[NR_MAT_TYPE] with NR_MAT_TYPE = 11:
MAT_RPAR[1] \(fact_{C_{M}}\) : multipication factor for \(C_{M}\) > 0.0 -
MAT_RPAR[2] \(\nu_{Z}\) : vertical Poisson coefficient > 0.0 and < 0.5 -
MAT_RPAR[3] \(\beta = E_{H}/E_{Z}\) > 0.0 -
MAT_RPAR[4] \(\gamma = \nu_{H}/\nu_{Z}\) > 0.0 -
MAT_RPAR[5] \(\theta = G_{H}/G_{Z}\) > 0.0 -
MAT_RPAR[6] \(c_{b}\) : grain compressibility >= 0.0 \(stress^{-1}\)
MAT_RPAR[7] \(C_{r}\) : ratio \(C^{I}_{M,f} /C^{II}_{M,f}\) >= 1.0 -
MAT_RPAR[8] \(limcr\) : tolerance at inversion point >= 0.0 \(stress\)
MAT_RPAR[9] \(\sigma_{z}^{lim}\) : \(\sigma_{z}\) limit below which linear elasticity is addressed >= 0.0 \(stress\)
MAT_RPAR[10] \(\delta \sigma_{z}^{tol}\) : \(\delta \sigma_{z}\) limit below which linear elasticity is addressed >= 0.0 \(stress\)
MAT_RPAR[11] - 0.0 -