
This class is used to control the memory used by the Library. More…

#include "MemoryUse.h"

Inherits from ChronosMemoryUse

Public Functions

Constructs the object.
Deletes the object.
void Reset()
Reset bytes.
void GetCurrDiff(ChronosMemoryUse * ChrMemUse, rExt * Diff)
Retrieve current memory difference: Diff = this->curr - ChrMemUse->curr.
void GetPeakDiff(ChronosMemoryUse * ChrMemUse, rExt * Diff)
Retrieve peak memory difference: Diff = this->peak - ChrMemUse->peak.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from ChronosMemoryUse

Constructs the object.
Deletes the object.
void Add(iReg iType, unsigned long int len)
Add bytes.
void Rm(iReg iType, unsigned long int len)
Remove bytes.
void GetCurrInfo(rExt * Info)
Get current memory info.
void GetPeakInfo(rExt * Info)
Get peak memory info.

Protected Attributes inherited from ChronosMemoryUse

unsigned long int type_bytes
Type bytes.
unsigned long int curr_mem
Current memory [bool,int,long int,float,double].
unsigned long int peak_mem
Peak memory [bool,int,long int,float,double].
unsigned long int curr_mem_total
Total current memory in bytes.
unsigned long int peak_mem_total
Total peak memory in bytes.

Detailed Description

class MemoryUse;

This class is used to control the memory used by the Library.

class MemoryUse.

Public Functions Documentation

function MemoryUse


Constructs the object.

function ~MemoryUse


Deletes the object.

function Reset

void Reset()

Reset bytes.

function GetCurrDiff

void GetCurrDiff(
    ChronosMemoryUse * ChrMemUse,
    rExt * Diff

Retrieve current memory difference: Diff = this->curr - ChrMemUse->curr.

function GetPeakDiff

void GetPeakDiff(
    ChronosMemoryUse * ChrMemUse,
    rExt * Diff

Retrieve peak memory difference: Diff = this->peak - ChrMemUse->peak.

Updated on 12 February 2021 at 11:59:50 CET