This class is used to store sparse matrices as CSR data structure. It is composed by 3 vectors for row and column indices and for the data. More…

#include "CSRMAT.h"

Public Functions

Constructs an empty object.
CSRMAT(iRegExt input_nrows, iRegExt input_ncols, iExt input_nterm, iRegExt * ja_in, iExt * iat_in, rExt * coef_in)
Constructs the and stores the object.
Deletes the object.
void overlap(iRegExt nrows, iRegExt ncols, iExt nterm, iExt * iat, iRegExt * ja, rExt * coef)
Fills object assigning pointer.
void assign_null()
Assign null pointer.
void mk_CSRMAT(const iRegExt restrict input_nrows, const iRegExt restrict input_ncols, const iExt restrict input_nterm)
Allocate the object structure.
void resize_CSRMAT(const iRegExt restrict new_nrows, const iRegExt restrict new_ncols, const iExt restrict new_nterm)
Resize the object structure.
void swap(CSRMAT< iRegExt > & M)
Swap two CSRMAT objects.
void apply_perm(const iRegExt restrict perm, const iRegExt restrict iperm, CSRMAT< iRegExt > &restrict mat_out)
Applies a permutation to a CSRMAT instance.
iRegExt get_nrows() const
Retrieves the matrix number of rows.
iRegExt get_ncols() const
Retrieves the matrix number of columns.
void set_ncols(iRegExt input_ncols)
Sets the number of columns.
iExt get_nterm() const
Retrieves the matrix number of stored terms.
iRegExt * get_ptr_nrows()
Retrieves the pointer to the matrix number of rows.
const iRegExt * get_ptr_nrows() const
iRegExt * get_ptr_ncols()
Retrieves the pointer to the matrix number of columns.
const iRegExt * get_ptr_ncols() const
iExt * get_ptr_nterm()
Retrieves the pointer to the matrix number of stored terms.
const iExt * get_ptr_nterm() const
iExt * get_ptr_iat_data()
Retrieves the pointer to the iat data.
const iExt * get_ptr_iat_data() const
iRegExt * get_ptr_ja_data()
Retrieves the pointer to the ja data.
const iRegExt * get_ptr_ja_data() const
rExt * get_ptr_coef_data()
Retrieves the pointer to the coef data.
const rExt * get_ptr_coef_data() const
void wrCSR_unit_ASCII(ofstream &restrict out_f, const bool patt, const iExt restrict shift)
Writes the CSRMAT to the output ASCII unit.
void fPrintAll_CSRMAT_ASCII(const string &restrict filename, const iReg restrict myid, const iReg restrict nproc)
Prints a csr matrix in ASCII, distributed as slices among the various processors.
void wrCSR_unit_BIN(ofstream &restrict out_f, const bool patt, const iExt restrict shift)
Writes the CSRMAT to the output BINARY unit.
void fPrintAll_CSRMAT_BIN(const string &restrict filename, const iReg restrict myid, const iReg restrict nproc)
Prints a csr matrix in BINARY, distributed as slices among the various processors.
void diag_block(const iRegExt restrict input_nrows, VEC< rExt > &restrict input_diagonal_coef)
Sets diagonal terms equal to some coeff.
VEC< rExt > extract_diag_coef()
Extracts diagonal coef.
void CreateLowerCSR(const iReg nRows_i, CSRMAT< iReg > &restrict LowerCSR)
Extracts the lower part of a square csr matrix including its diagonal.
void Transpose(iExt *restrict WI1, iExt restrict WI2, CSRMAT< iRegExt > &restrict MatT) const
Transpose a csr matrix.
void SoC_Transpose(const iReg restrict coef_SoC, iExt restrict WI1, iExt restrict WI2, CSRMAT< iRegExt > &restrict MatT) const
Transpose SoC matrix.
void MxV(const iReg nRHS, const rExt restrict x, rExt restrict b)
Multiplies the csrmat (A) by a vector Ax=b with b initialization.
void MxV_sum(const iReg nRHS, const rExt restrict x, rExt restrict b)
Multiplies the csrmat (A) by a vector Ax=b.
void MxM(VEC< iReg > & nnz, const iReg lfil, const type_OMP_iReg nthreads, CSRMAT< iRegExt > & B, VEC< CSRMAT< iRegExt >> & C_old, VEC< CSRMAT< iRegExt >> & C_new, VEC< iReg > & WN)
Computes the product M x M. C_new = C_old + A x B (with ‘this’ == A).
void SoC_DiagDom(const bool Diag_Flag, const rExt restrict Dr, const rExt restrict Dc, const rExt restrict TVnorm_r, const rExt restrict TVnorm_c, const bool TVnorm_FLAG, const rExt restrict tau_jump, const rExt restrict tau, iReg restrict ind_SoC, rExt restrict coef_SoC, iExt & str_count)
Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ).
void SoC_Classical(const bool Diag_Flag, const rExt restrict aij_max, const rExt restrict akj_max, const rExt restrict tau, iReg restrict ind, rExt restrict coef, iExt & str_count) const
Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ).
void SoC_DiagDom_tune(const bool Diag_Flag, const rExt restrict Dr, const rExt restrict Dc, const rExt restrict TVnorm_r, const rExt restrict TVnorm_c, const bool TVnorm_FLAG, const rExt restrict tau_jump, iReg restrict ind_SoC, rExt restrict coef_SoC, const iReg restrict nbins, iExt *restrict mybins)
Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ) and dynamically computes a value for tau leaving a given average number of connections per node.
void SoC_Affinity(const bool Diag_Flag, const rExt ZERO_nrm, const iReg nTV, const rExt restrict TVnorm_r, const rExt restrict TVnorm_c, const rExt restrict TV_r, const rExt restrict TV_c, const rExt restrict tau_jump, const rExt restrict tau, iReg restrict ind_SoC, rExt restrict coef_SoC, iExt & str_count)
Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ).
void SoC_Affinity_tune(const bool Diag_Flag, const rExt ZERO_nrm, const iReg nTV, const rExt restrict TVnorm_r, const rExt restrict TVnorm_c, const rExt restrict TV_r, const rExt restrict TV_c, const rExt restrict tau_jump, iReg restrict ind_SoC, rExt restrict coef_SoC, const iReg restrict nbins, iExt *restrict mybins)
Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ) and dynamically computes a value for tau leaving a given average number of connections per node.
void SoC_Filter(const rExt restrict tau, iReg restrict ind, rExt restrict coef, iExt & str_count)
Filters an already computed SoC for a csr block using a tolerance tau.

Detailed Description

template <typename iRegExt >
class CSRMAT;

This class is used to store sparse matrices as CSR data structure. It is composed by 3 vectors for row and column indices and for the data.

class CSRMAT.

Public Functions Documentation

function CSRMAT


Constructs an empty object.

function CSRMAT

    iRegExt input_nrows,
    iRegExt input_ncols,
    iExt input_nterm,
    iRegExt * ja_in,
    iExt * iat_in,
    rExt * coef_in

Constructs the and stores the object.

function ~CSRMAT


Deletes the object.

function overlap

void overlap(
    iRegExt nrows,
    iRegExt ncols,
    iExt nterm,
    iExt * iat,
    iRegExt * ja,
    rExt * coef

Fills object assigning pointer.

function assign_null

void assign_null()

Assign null pointer.

function mk_CSRMAT

void mk_CSRMAT(
    const iRegExt __restrict__ input_nrows,
    const iRegExt __restrict__ input_ncols,
    const iExt __restrict__ input_nterm

Allocate the object structure.


  • input_nrows number of rows.
  • input_ncols number of columns.
  • input_nterm number of stored terms.

function resize_CSRMAT

void resize_CSRMAT(
    const iRegExt __restrict__ new_nrows,
    const iRegExt __restrict__ new_ncols,
    const iExt __restrict__ new_nterm

Resize the object structure.


  • new_nrows new number of rows.
  • new_ncols new number of columns.
  • new_nterm new number of stored terms.

function swap

void swap(
    CSRMAT< iRegExt > & M

Swap two CSRMAT objects.


  • M CSRMAT to swap with ‘this’.

function apply_perm

void apply_perm(
    const iRegExt *__restrict__ perm,
    const iRegExt *__restrict__ iperm,
    CSRMAT< iRegExt > &__restrict__ mat_out

Applies a permutation to a CSRMAT instance.

function get_nrows

iRegExt get_nrows() const

Retrieves the matrix number of rows.

function get_ncols

iRegExt get_ncols() const

Retrieves the matrix number of columns.

function set_ncols

void set_ncols(
    iRegExt input_ncols

Sets the number of columns.

function get_nterm

iExt get_nterm() const

Retrieves the matrix number of stored terms.

function get_ptr_nrows

iRegExt * get_ptr_nrows()

Retrieves the pointer to the matrix number of rows.

function get_ptr_nrows

const iRegExt * get_ptr_nrows() const

function get_ptr_ncols

iRegExt * get_ptr_ncols()

Retrieves the pointer to the matrix number of columns.

function get_ptr_ncols

const iRegExt * get_ptr_ncols() const

function get_ptr_nterm

iExt * get_ptr_nterm()

Retrieves the pointer to the matrix number of stored terms.

function get_ptr_nterm

const iExt * get_ptr_nterm() const

function get_ptr_iat_data

iExt * get_ptr_iat_data()

Retrieves the pointer to the iat data.

function get_ptr_iat_data

const iExt * get_ptr_iat_data() const

function get_ptr_ja_data

iRegExt * get_ptr_ja_data()

Retrieves the pointer to the ja data.

function get_ptr_ja_data

const iRegExt * get_ptr_ja_data() const

function get_ptr_coef_data

rExt * get_ptr_coef_data()

Retrieves the pointer to the coef data.

function get_ptr_coef_data

const rExt * get_ptr_coef_data() const

function wrCSR_unit_ASCII

void wrCSR_unit_ASCII(
    ofstream &__restrict__ out_f,
    const bool patt,
    const iExt __restrict__ shift

Writes the CSRMAT to the output ASCII unit.


  • out_f output file.
  • patt flag to print only the pattern.
  • shift shift row index.

function fPrintAll_CSRMAT_ASCII

void fPrintAll_CSRMAT_ASCII(
    const string &__restrict__ filename,
    const iReg __restrict__ myid,
    const iReg __restrict__ nproc

Prints a csr matrix in ASCII, distributed as slices among the various processors.


  • filename output file name.
  • myid process id.
  • nproc total number of processes.

function wrCSR_unit_BIN

void wrCSR_unit_BIN(
    ofstream &__restrict__ out_f,
    const bool patt,
    const iExt __restrict__ shift

Writes the CSRMAT to the output BINARY unit.


  • out_f output file.
  • patt flag to print only the pattern.
  • shift shift row index.

function fPrintAll_CSRMAT_BIN

void fPrintAll_CSRMAT_BIN(
    const string &__restrict__ filename,
    const iReg __restrict__ myid,
    const iReg __restrict__ nproc

Prints a csr matrix in BINARY, distributed as slices among the various processors.


  • filename output file name.
  • myid process id.
  • nproc total number of processes.

function diag_block

void diag_block(
    const iRegExt __restrict__ input_nrows,
    VEC< rExt > &__restrict__ input_diagonal_coef

Sets diagonal terms equal to some coeff.


  • input_nrows number of rows.
  • input_diagonal_coef coeff to set.

function extract_diag_coef

VEC< rExt > extract_diag_coef()

Extracts diagonal coef.

function CreateLowerCSR

void CreateLowerCSR(
    const iReg nRows_i,
    CSRMAT< iReg > &__restrict__ LowerCSR

Extracts the lower part of a square csr matrix including its diagonal.


  • nRows_i number of internal rows (variables).
  • LowerCSR lower part of th csr matrix.

function Transpose

void Transpose(
    iExt **__restrict__ WI1,
    iExt *__restrict__ WI2,
    CSRMAT< iRegExt > &__restrict__ MatT
) const

Transpose a csr matrix.


  • WI1 scratch matrix.
  • WI2 scratch array.
  • MatT transposed matrix.

function SoC_Transpose

void SoC_Transpose(
    const iReg *__restrict__ coef_SoC,
    iExt **__restrict__ WI1,
    iExt *__restrict__ WI2,
    CSRMAT< iRegExt > &__restrict__ MatT
) const

Transpose SoC matrix.


  • coef_SoC SoC coefficients.
  • WI1 scratch matrix.
  • WI2 scratch array.
  • MatT transposed matrix.

function MxV

void MxV(
    const iReg nRHS,
    const rExt *__restrict__ x,
    rExt *__restrict__ b

Multiplies the csrmat (A) by a vector Ax=b with b initialization.

function MxV_sum

void MxV_sum(
    const iReg nRHS,
    const rExt *__restrict__ x,
    rExt *__restrict__ b

Multiplies the csrmat (A) by a vector Ax=b.

function MxM

void MxM(
    VEC< iReg > & nnz,
    const iReg lfil,
    const type_OMP_iReg nthreads,
    CSRMAT< iRegExt > & B,
    VEC< CSRMAT< iRegExt >> & C_old,
    VEC< CSRMAT< iRegExt >> & C_new,
    VEC< iReg > & WN

Computes the product M x M. C_new = C_old + A x B (with ‘this’ == A).


  • nnz estimated number of P non-zeros per row ( with nnz[A nrows] ).
  • lfil nnz[i]+lfil is the maximum number of non-zeros for the i-th row.
  • nthreads number of threads to be used.
  • B second factor matrix.
  • C_old old reulting matrix.
  • C_new reulting matrix to update.
  • WN scratch.

function SoC_DiagDom

void SoC_DiagDom(
    const bool Diag_Flag,
    const rExt *__restrict__ Dr,
    const rExt *__restrict__ Dc,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TVnorm_r,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TVnorm_c,
    const bool TVnorm_FLAG,
    const rExt __restrict__ tau_jump,
    const rExt __restrict__ tau,
    iReg *__restrict__ ind_SoC,
    rExt *__restrict__ coef_SoC,
    iExt & str_count

Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ).


  • B CSR block.
  • Dr diagonal terms related to the row.
  • Dc diagonal terms related to the column.
  • tau tolerance for filtering.
  • ind index of SoC (-1 if SoC < tau, 1 if SoC => tau).

function SoC_Classical

void SoC_Classical(
    const bool Diag_Flag,
    const rExt *__restrict__ aij_max,
    const rExt *__restrict__ akj_max,
    const rExt __restrict__ tau,
    iReg *__restrict__ ind,
    rExt *__restrict__ coef,
    iExt & str_count
) const

Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ).


  • Diag_Flag flag for the diagonal CSR block.
  • aij_max max off-diagonal terms for each row.
  • tau tolerance for filtering.
  • ind index of SoC (-1 if SoC < tau, 1 if SoC => tau).
  • coef value of SoC.
  • str_count SoC counter.

function SoC_DiagDom_tune

void SoC_DiagDom_tune(
    const bool Diag_Flag,
    const rExt *__restrict__ Dr,
    const rExt *__restrict__ Dc,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TVnorm_r,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TVnorm_c,
    const bool TVnorm_FLAG,
    const rExt __restrict__ tau_jump,
    iReg *__restrict__ ind_SoC,
    rExt *__restrict__ coef_SoC,
    const iReg __restrict__ nbins,
    iExt *__restrict__ mybins

Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ) and dynamically computes a value for tau leaving a given average number of connections per node.


  • B CSR block.
  • Dr diagonal terms related to the row.
  • Dc diagonal terms related to the column.
  • ind index of SoC (-1 if SoC < tau, 1 if SoC => tau).

function SoC_Affinity

void SoC_Affinity(
    const bool Diag_Flag,
    const rExt ZERO_nrm,
    const iReg nTV,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TVnorm_r,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TVnorm_c,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TV_r,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TV_c,
    const rExt __restrict__ tau_jump,
    const rExt __restrict__ tau,
    iReg *__restrict__ ind_SoC,
    rExt *__restrict__ coef_SoC,
    iExt & str_count

Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ).


  • B CSR block.
  • Dr diagonal terms related to the row.
  • Dc diagonal terms related to the column.
  • tau tolerance for filtering.
  • ind index of SoC (-1 if SoC < tau, 1 if SoC => tau).

function SoC_Affinity_tune

void SoC_Affinity_tune(
    const bool Diag_Flag,
    const rExt ZERO_nrm,
    const iReg nTV,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TVnorm_r,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TVnorm_c,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TV_r,
    const rExt *__restrict__ TV_c,
    const rExt __restrict__ tau_jump,
    iReg *__restrict__ ind_SoC,
    rExt *__restrict__ coef_SoC,
    const iReg __restrict__ nbins,
    iExt *__restrict__ mybins

Computes SoC for a csr block B: SoC = coef_B / sqrt ( Dr * Dc ) and dynamically computes a value for tau leaving a given average number of connections per node.


  • B CSR block.
  • Dr diagonal terms related to the row.
  • Dc diagonal terms related to the column.
  • ind index of SoC (-1 if SoC < tau, 1 if SoC => tau).

function SoC_Filter

void SoC_Filter(
    const rExt __restrict__ tau,
    iReg *__restrict__ ind,
    rExt *__restrict__ coef,
    iExt & str_count

Filters an already computed SoC for a csr block using a tolerance tau.

Updated on 12 February 2021 at 11:59:50 CET