This class is used to manage the Test Space for AMG. More…

#include "TSPACE.h"

Public Functions

TSPACE(const TSPACE_params &restrict input_params)
Creates an empty object and set input parameter.
Deletes the object.
void Compute(DSMat &restrict mat_A, DDMat const restrict V0 =nullptr, Preconditioner const restrict PREC =nullptr)
Computes the test space.
void fPrintAll_ASCII(const string & filename) const
Prints the Test Vectors in ASCII format.
iReg Get_ntv() const
Retrieves the Tspace’s number of test vector.
const rExt * Get_ptr_coef() const
Retrieves the pointer to the V coefficients.
DDMat * Get_ptr_V()
Retrieves the pointer to the V DDMat (useful for debug printing)
void Restrict(const DSMat &restrict mat_A, const COARSEN &restrict COARS, TSPACE &restrict TSPR)
Restricts the test space.
iReg get_iter() const
Get the number of iterations performed to set-up the TSPACE.
rExt get_min_eigval() const
Get the estimate of the minimal eigenvalue of the TSPACE.
rExt get_max_eval_NRM() const
Get the maximum eigenvalue residual norm after TSPACE set-up.
rExt get_max_evec_NRM() const
Get the maximum eigenvector residual norm after TSPACE set-up.

Detailed Description

class TSPACE;

This class is used to manage the Test Space for AMG.

class TSAPCE.

Public Functions Documentation

function TSPACE

    const TSPACE_params &__restrict__ input_params

Creates an empty object and set input parameter.

function ~TSPACE


Deletes the object.

function Compute

void Compute(
    DSMat &__restrict__ mat_A,
    DDMat *const __restrict__ V0 =nullptr,
    Preconditioner *const __restrict__ PREC =nullptr

Computes the test space.


  • mat_A system matrix.
  • V0 initial test space (optional).
  • V0 initial test space (optional).

function fPrintAll_ASCII

inline void fPrintAll_ASCII(
    const string & filename
) const

Prints the Test Vectors in ASCII format.

function Get_ntv

inline iReg Get_ntv() const

Retrieves the Tspace’s number of test vector.

function Get_ptr_coef

inline const rExt * Get_ptr_coef() const

Retrieves the pointer to the V coefficients.

function Get_ptr_V

inline DDMat * Get_ptr_V()

Retrieves the pointer to the V DDMat (useful for debug printing)

function Restrict

void Restrict(
    const DSMat &__restrict__ mat_A,
    const COARSEN &__restrict__ COARS,
    TSPACE &__restrict__ TSPR

Restricts the test space.


  • mat_A system matrix.
  • COARS COARSEN object.
  • TSPR restricted Test Space.

function get_iter

inline iReg get_iter() const

Get the number of iterations performed to set-up the TSPACE.

function get_min_eigval

inline rExt get_min_eigval() const

Get the estimate of the minimal eigenvalue of the TSPACE.

function get_max_eval_NRM

inline rExt get_max_eval_NRM() const

Get the maximum eigenvalue residual norm after TSPACE set-up.

function get_max_evec_NRM

inline rExt get_max_evec_NRM() const

Get the maximum eigenvector residual norm after TSPACE set-up.

Updated on 12 February 2021 at 11:59:50 CET