
Public Functions

Creates an empty object.
void PrepareBuffers(const iReg n)
Prepares the buffers for communication.
Deletes the buffers. Buffers must be deallocated after communication end.
void ResetBuffers()
Resets the buffers for communication.
void SendCSR(const CSRMAT< iReg > &restrict CSR, const iReg restrict iBlock, const type_MPI_iReg restrict dest, const type_MPI_iReg restrict tag1, const type_MPI_iReg restrict tag2, const bool SendSize, MPI_Request &restrict Request_size, MPI_Request &restrict Request_csr)
Send asynchronously a CSR matrix size along with CSR matrix derived data type.
void InitReceiveCSR(CSRMAT< iReg > &restrict CSR, const type_MPI_iReg restrict source, const type_MPI_iReg restrict tag, MPI_Request &restrict Request)
Initialize asynchronous reception for a CSR matrix of known size.

Public Attributes

VEC< iReg > vec_ReqListSize
Buffer for sending number of blocks.

Public Functions Documentation

function MPI_CSR_SendRecv

inline MPI_CSR_SendRecv()

Creates an empty object.

function PrepareBuffers

void PrepareBuffers(
    const iReg n

Prepares the buffers for communication.


  • n number of communicating blocks (not the diagonal block).

function ~MPI_CSR_SendRecv


Deletes the buffers. Buffers must be deallocated after communication end.

function ResetBuffers

void ResetBuffers()

Resets the buffers for communication.

function SendCSR

void SendCSR(
    const CSRMAT< iReg > &__restrict__ CSR,
    const iReg __restrict__ iBlock,
    const type_MPI_iReg __restrict__ dest,
    const type_MPI_iReg __restrict__ tag1,
    const type_MPI_iReg __restrict__ tag2,
    const bool SendSize,
    MPI_Request &__restrict__ Request_size,
    MPI_Request &__restrict__ Request_csr

Send asynchronously a CSR matrix size along with CSR matrix derived data type.


  • CSR current matrix to send.
  • iBlock current matrix to send.
  • dest recipient rank.
  • tag1 tag for the size communication.
  • tag2 tag for the CSR communication.
  • SendSize if true send nterms and nrows independently.
  • Request_size Status request for the size communication.
  • Request_csr Status request for the csr communication.

The sizes are sent first in a contigous array. Should the number of rows or terms of an already allocated CSRMAT type be zero, the actual CSR matrix is not sent. Optional arguments are provided to check when data have been sent. A runtime MPI derived data type is created by means of memory addresses for the each array component of the derived type. For this reason, all the dummy non zero-dimensional components have to be contiguous, at runtime, when calling this subroutine. iBlock ==-1 is used to mark a null block with nrows=ncols=nterm=0. iBlock ==-2 is used to mark a null block with nterm=0.

function InitReceiveCSR

void InitReceiveCSR(
    CSRMAT< iReg > &__restrict__ CSR,
    const type_MPI_iReg __restrict__ source,
    const type_MPI_iReg __restrict__ tag,
    MPI_Request &__restrict__ Request

Initialize asynchronous reception for a CSR matrix of known size.


  • CSR current matrix to receive.
  • source sender rank.
  • tag communication tag.
  • Request Status request for the communication.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable vec_ReqListSize

VEC< iReg > vec_ReqListSize;

Buffer for sending number of blocks.

Updated on 12 February 2021 at 11:59:50 CET